This should have come before now. However, it is never too late. Having already shared some possible programs or means of making money online in previous articles , it just dawned on me that this particular article should have come first. Just like what I said before that it is never too late hence I felt I should share with your the basic requirements for making money online.
In your quest of making money online it is very necessary to know and have the basic requirements . The list of the basic requirements for making money online or starting an online business may be endless but I will by this article share with you the major ones. In your quest of making money online or starting an online business you will need the following.
(1) Access to the internet
This is the first basic requirement you need to consider if you want to make money online or start an online business. Thus you will need a browsing mobile phone and a personal computer (laptop or desktop). If you can't afford a personal computer for the meantime don't worry . Then a cyber cafe is the best alternative to use until you have money to afford a personal computer.
(2) E-mail address
You will need an email address. There are so many free email address service providers. The common and most popular ones are,,, etc. You can choose any of these email providers depending on your choice. However, I prefer because it is simple and easy to use.
(3) Choosing a niche
Simply put, a niche is a specialized but profitable corner of the market or business. You have to decide what your online business will be about. It can be about provision of products, services or both. Whatever your choice may be it is advisable to choose an aspect of products or services. There are macro or micro niches. There can also be single macro/micro niche or multi macro/micro niche. Examples of macro niches are health, job, education, finance, business, entertainment, technology, etc. Taking health for example, there are micro niches like men's health, women's health, children's health, etc. In choosing a niche it is advisable to choose the one you have passion for. This is because you will feel happy doing what you are doing as well as not running out of inspiration and desire to continue what you are doing.
(4) Publishing platform
This is more or less the most important because it provides the point of contact between you and your audience or customers as the case may be. For instance, you are able to read this article now because you are on my own publishing platform. Publishing platforms can either be websites or blogs. Websites and blogs differ in so many features. One of these notable feature is the fact that websites are static ( except those that also have a blog ) while blogs are dynamic because they are updated from time to time. Websites may be quite expensive unlike blogs that are free or very cheap if they are self-hosted. There are many blogging platforms but the two most common and popular blogging platforms are blogger and wordpress.
I am tired of typing for now. I guess I will write on the part 2 of this article in subsequent times.
P.s : If you will like to have your own personal blog like mine you can hire me by using the contact form in reaching me for enquiries and negotiations.
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